I'm about to begin a new blog about my latest journey 6 years into my new life in America and came across this gem that I never hit post on back in November of 2012.. enjoy! (distant echoes- is anybody out there??)
I've been back on this side of the Atlantic for five months now and still, not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about Spain. It feels like I've gone through a horrible breakup and it's taken a long time to get over the life that Spain gave me. I wonder if it's too soon to call, if we can just be friends, is it too soon to visit and talk about it, let Spain know it's not them, it's me, that I had to move on with my life, etc. etc. Ok, I'm mostly joking, but the separation really has had many symptoms of a bad breakup.
My return home has not been the greatest and I think that's made things harder to get over. Let's just say I'm glad to be alive and finally back in decent health after a long battle with an intestinal parasite followed by the onset of the super-bug, c. difficile. I have health insurance, but have still accumulated thousands in medical bills thanks to the ferociously expensive health system in the US.
On a lighter note, I'm set to graduate with my bachelor's in Spanish in June. It's fun now to look back and reflect on how my Spanish has grown over the years, and all the horrible/hilarious mistakes I've made. Spanish is something I have definitely learned a golpes -the hard way.
Here are some of the mistakes I may never forget and am feeling the need to share today:
tengo ganas de comer alitas de polla- saying something very dirty about my craving for chicken wings to my host mom on the way to the bar, she almost fell in the street laughing so hard trying to explain to me the difference between pollo and polla
exponer los senos- this is what the oral surgeon told me was a big risk if we took out my upper wisdom teeth, who knew we also had senos in our nose?
ah, Katya tiene el caballo más largo: spotting my friend in the plaza and pointing her out to my other friend, accidentally exclaming her 'horse' and not hair was longer than the last time I saw her. I was made fun of for awhile.
los pies ya no tienen sentimiento- my feet as well as my brain were numb when I burnt them horribly in the sand last June
estoy caliente
- a classic one, but it seemed like everyone in that tiny gym stopped and stared after my friend announced how caliente she was
If anyone still reads this abandoned blog, please feel free to share any memorable mishaps you've had in learning a language, be it Spanish, English, Chinese, lo que sea!