17 junio 2012

The teaching experience.

Over the past two years I've heard so many language assistants talk about how they don't really like what we do, that their school either uses and abuses them or rather ignores them. It's unfortunate because there's so much we can do to help at our schools if not out of personal interest, then certainly for the sake of the English language not being butchered. I feel so lucky that I've really enjoyed my job here. If I didn't, I never would have spent a second year in the province of Huelva. Although this year, living in Ayamonte, I've realized more and more that Huelva Province isn't all that bad.. it's got some of the best beaches in Spain, la pata negra, gambas, Portugal, la sierra, hiking trails, bike routes, excellent weather, etc. And the fact that it's not really a touristy destination and that very few people speak English has made it all the more of a cultural experience.

Working at IES R.R. of Cartaya has been an interesting, fun, hilarious, cultural, enlightening, even warming experience. I would say it is my favorite job that I have had so far (at the age of 23 I've already been a papergirl, supermarket cashier, tourist trapper, cook/waitress/delivery girl at a pizza joint, receptionist, gone postal with the post office, line inspector/veggie packer at a factory, office assistant, math tutor, private English teacher..we start working young in Alaska). Unlike most of my other gigs, this job has been more than just a paycheck to me, especially since I don't earn that much.

I have really enjoyed (most) of my students and fellow teachers, I don't think I've made it through a day of work without having some sort of hilarious moment or learning something that made me really think about the differences in our cultures/languages. I have taken advantage and picked up a lot of Spanish vocabulary through teaching subjects and not just English langauge. I have loved teaching math and science though I really haven't been so much for plástica and tecnología. At the end of the day, though, that hasn't mattered because the students made it fun for me, and the awkward moments of our lives lost in translation has always kept things interesting.

The school has gotten me involved in its happenings and always made me feel welcome being the token guiri and all. I've gone on many field trips (a very cultural experience spending all day with 25-100 teenage Cartayeros), Portugal, the mines of RioTinto, hiking in the wetlands of Ayamonte, Isla Mágica theme park, Itálica Roman ruins and Greek plays, Colombus's boats, a fake Police concert, plays at the theatre, and more! I've played judge on a panel for a singing competition, gone out boating, judged a Halloween competition, dressed up for theme days, gone out to the bar every morning at 1130 (for coffee, of course), been to countless festivities with the teachers and made some incredible friendships. The inside jokes from these past two years will always stick with me as well, and I will always miss the Spanglish I have spoken.

Why not dress up in purple to celebrate a Wednesday
Since I've never actually lived in Cartaya I've almost always gone to work by car with other teachers, which besides sparing me a ton of time, money, and creepy experiences by catching the autobus, has been a great experience in getting to know more of my coworkers better and having to speak Spanish when my eyes will barely stay open at the dark hour of 8am (Spain is definitely in the wrong time zone). Fernanado, Arantza, Miguel Angel, Emma, Manolo and Raquel have not been thanked enough for driving me around the past two years.

Last Friday I went into work for one last goodbye and was surprised to be showered with gifts and thanks for the two years. They even made me a book filled with pictures and notes about the last two years and well-wishes for the future from the teachers and my students. The morning at school was followed by a goodbye party at the beach with delicious seafood, plenty of sangria, and mojitos until sunset. We danced and laughed and there were a few tears. I'm am going to miss these wonderful people and my Spanish life ridiculously bad.

I already have a new job lined up for the summer when I get home (in just a few days). I'll be working at the office of a busy transport company in my hometown, Sitka, Alaska and I know there are going to be days when I miss my simple Cartayera life and all of the good, ridiculous, interesting days I spent at the Rafael Reyes Instition of Secondary Education. Although, with the situation in Spain, I feel that I'm leaving at the right time. It is hard to go, but at the same time I am so excited to be with my friends and family again and have that security of being in my own country. I have never felt so bittersweet in my life, in just 48 hours I'll be on a plane.. no parece real.
The profes at a 'jamón' en el campo

14 junio 2012

The North

Llanes, Asturias

  After finding a 5€ RyanAir flight from Sevilla to Santander for June 7th, I decided it was finally time to see more of Northern Spain and visit a friend who had moved up there from Sevilla. Besides being unseasonably chilly, the North did not disappoint. I spent a few days in Santander, went to the Picos de Europa mountains, and then to Llanes and Oviedo, Asturias. After living for two years in Andalucía, going to the North gave me a bit of culture shock: it seems like a totally different country. The culture , accent, food, scenery, climate, were so distinct from Andalucía, yet there were little similarities that reminded me that both belong to Spain. I have always loved the North of Spain and now have been able to see Galicia, Castilla Leon, Asturias, Cantábria, Each of them is unique in their own way and I would love to explore more of those regions when I get the chance to return to Spain.

01 junio 2012

Saying goodbye

 My two years at the high school in Cartaya City came to an end yesterday, and it was really hard to say goodbye. There were awkward, beautiful speeches, many tears, photo opps,  the cutest gifts, surprise parties, Sevillanas dancing, and so much more. My students and coworkers have been such a great part of my time here in Spain and it's hard to express all the emotions of leaving this and heading into the uncertain future of my life back in the States. I have learned so much and had such a wonderful experience here on the Costa de la Luz and I know I will be back to visit in the years to come. For now, I have a trip to Cantábria and Asturias planned, then passing back through here for two more goodbye parties and a flight home on June 19th.

My don Quijote statue.  Love it.