30 septiembre 2010

More things, more things!

¿Más cosas?
Well, my first month of Spain life round two is already coming to an end, time really does fly.. I´ve gone to work out in Cartaya quite a few times already and I officially start working in the classrooms next week! My co-workers are great so far and working at Rafael Reyes is definitely going to be an adventure.
Huelva Capital is a place that kind of has to grow on you because in comparison to other Spanish cities, it´s not that beautiful. It seems like the more time I spend here though, the more cool things I discover and I can´t wait to have more free time so I can get up to the mountains in the northern part of the province for some hiking and explore more of the coastal towns around here. Starting tomorrow, I officially have a 3 day weekend with zero obligations and I can´t wait. Actually starting now I´m free, but since I´ve been sick with some sort of cold on steriods, I´m being tranquila at home for the afternoon (of course I can´t resist going out for tapas tonight..).
I could write on and on about all the things that have gone on this month, but since I´m writing a blog and not a book, how about a list of highlights? Ok.
  • My plane not going down.
  • Rosa, Noro, Sara, and Katya waiting for me at Plaza de Armas when I arrived in Sevilla. I felt warm and welcome as soon as I got back to Spain.
  • Discovering the people of Huelva not only have a clearer, easier to understand accent than Sevilla, but are also very nice, helpful, and hilarious in general.
  • Rosa´s surprise 50th bday party en el campo.
  • Nights out in Sevilla. So much fun.
  • Passing my online classes. However, it is not so cool being chained to my computer 3-4 days a week.
  • Speaking more Spanish than English.
  • Rafael Reyes and Cartaya. And a 3 day a week work schedule!!
  • Chillin by the Guadalquivir. With Simon. And amigos.
  • Beaching it up. Love love love living near the coast and two rivers. Water is wonderful.
  • Free internet from Universidad de Huelva
  • Yelling in Spanish while I sleep.
  • Meeting so many random new people I can´t keep track of names anymore. I´m sorry, I´m a number person, can I have yours?
  • Cruzcampo and tapas.
  • Walking 1-4 hours a day. Everyday.
  • Being offered more jobs than I have time or energy to take
  • I might just stay here forever... or at least a few years.
  • Please visit me
I´ll leave you with a photo of the USA booth at the festival of the nations in Sevilla. Our stereotypes are hilarity.

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